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Meet the Members | Sue Watson Leadership for Good

We’re proud to have Dr. Sue Watson as one of the remarkable members of our Alberts community. As the founder of Leadership for Good, Sue is dedicated to advancing women in leadership roles across the business world and beyond.

With a rich background in senior leadership, Sue is passionate about empowering women to succeed. Dive into our conversation with Sue below to discover more about her journey and her impactful work.

Alberts: For those who may not be familiar, could you introduce us to Leadership for Good and its mission?

Sue: Our mission is simple- to help achieve a better Aotearoa by supporting women leaders with skills and connections and agitating for gender equitable and inclusive workplaces.

A: Can you share a bit about your journey to establishing Leadership for Good?

S: I established Leadership for Good about eight years ago when I finished my last CEO role. It was a way to continue my purpose of helping other women to succeed in leadership roles and increasing diversity in leadership. Over that time I have provided leadership development expertise for a diverse number of organisations and learned a lot about the challenges women face but also how to help organisations become more diverse and inclusive. 

A: You work closely with a diverse range of women leaders. What are some of the common challenges they face in 2024, and how can organisations better support women in leadership?

S: I am pleased you asked! We have just completed a survey with over 100 women leaders to find out the challenges they are facing. They described balancing work and personal life, unequal pay for equal work, gender bais in promotion decisions and micro-aggressions. These are subtle bias or discrimination that leading women face that have a profound impact on their performance and wellbeing. You can read the results of the survey here: https://www.leadershipforgood.co.nz/research

The research received wide coverage in the media and we plan to repeat it next year. 

A: What have you enjoyed most about being part of the Alberts community?

S: I am based on Waiheke Island but my clients are in Auckland and around Aotearoa. I love the energy I get from coming into Alberts, the friendly faces and the motivating vibe. My clients love meeting me here too and we hold a lot of events for our Leadership for Good community at 1 Albert St and the Formery. Everyone says, ‘wow, I love this place!’. We are proud to call it home and to share it with others.

A: Our Alberts community is eager to engage with Leadership for Good. How can our members get involved, and where can they find more information?

S: Please visit our website and sign up to receive invitations and updates here: https://www.leadershipforgood.co.nz/. Our community is for leading women and men who want to be part of a more equitable and inclusive Aotearoa. 

I am here several days a week and I am always up for a chat and a coffee. 

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou.

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